"In Jan 2005 I met Tim when I was referred to him by Blackwater Osteopath Clinic. They recommended I embarked on a rehabilitation exercise programme to aid my recovery and help with my back pain and injury and Tim was an expert in this field.
I injured my back whilst on holiday in Venezula in June 2005. It popped or fractured when I got up from lying on my stomach sunbathing. I came home tried to continue working but it was impossible and too painful to continue. After several tests and coursed of antibiotics for a water infection which is clearly wasn't finally my GP sent me for an xray and MRI scan in Sept 2005. I was diagnosed with Spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis at L5,S1 vertebrae and was in acute pain with muscle spasm and instability of the lumbar vertebrae and pelvis which became chronic. I was having regular osteopath treatments hoping it would get better soon. The only treatment offered by my GP and back specialist at this time was a course of steroid injections which in their opinon would possibly only give me 60% relief from pain but could also cause side effects such as loss of bladder and bowel control. They were also unable to give me a prognosis for the future. Although I was in severe pain and had been now for several months I decided not to have the steroid injections as the risks outweighed the benefits in my opinion. This is when I took advice from my osteopath and contacted Tim.
I began Tims rehabilitation programme for my back injury. Within the first 10 session I was feeling so much better. I could not believe it! The pain had eased but I knew I still had a long way to go. I found Tim's knowledge, encouragement and support amazing! I thought this is fantastic after all this time being in so much pain, instability and discomfort I have finally found someone who can help me and I am mobile again. By this time I had been suffering for 7 months with severe back pain radiating all the way up through my lumbar and thoracic vertebrae and through my pelvis and groin area. It was an awful and very traumatic time. Depression surely set in as I could not go to work as my job as a Sales Executive involved driving all day and sitting in one position on the injury site. Some days I could not even move to get dressed or bend to put on my underwear or shoes. I could not sit either and spent a lot of time lying on my right side. You take a very different view of the world when this happens. My world had been turned upside down. I had gone from a very successful independent person to someone who was almost house bound and in severe pain. I remember one particular day trying to walk around my kitchen hanging onto the worktops and I was in complete agony with my back injury. Another time I was walking up and down the room and I got stuck and could not turn around. It was a very scarey experience indeed.
But thankfully Tim was there and together with his experience, encouragement, knowledge and positivity my desperation gradually disappeared. Tims rehabilitation programme was really tough at first but I was determine not to give up and found it immensely effective, which to me was the most important part.
Now 3 years on having been made redundant from my career as a Sales Executive I am so very delight to say I am almost able to live a normal life again. I am now a qualified Personal Trainer myself. I had to think of something I could do to earn a living which would work for me and my back injury as I could not continue to work in an office or out on the road in a car as I would be sitting down in the same posture for long periods which would exacerbate my symptom according to my medical specialists even after all this time. Tim was my inspiration behind the decision to become a Personal Trainer. I have been training with him twice a week for the past 3 years now and I have been totally inspired by him. He has a magnetic positivity about him and is a great source on knowledge and has whole load of experience too which makes him stand out from the rest!
I now have my life back and I have a huge amount of admiration and respect for Tim as together we have worked really hard to make this happen. I will always be so very grateful to him and feel immensely honoured to have met him and continue to work with him. I could not imagine life without having met him now. I thank my lucky stars and my osteopaths for making this happen."
Personal Trainer, Brentwood, Essex, April, 2016
"I was always into fitness and being healthy and after running 6 London marathons I decided I wanted a change and got into lifting weights. After losing my dad in 2012, I threw myself into the gym and it helped me loads. A year later, just as I felt I was at the fittest and strongest I had been, I couldn't believe it when I was suddenly diagnosed with bowel cancer after being ill for approx. 11 weeks with doctors not knowing what was wrong. I had major surgery and 4 weeks later started chemotherapy for 9 months.
I remember thinking: will I ever be strong and fit again - just being able to get up unaided, standing up straight, just to feel well again. That's when you realise you have to appreciate the simple things in life. Towards the end of my treatment my head was telling me I wanted to be in the gym again but my body was saying no way! So it was hard not being able to train for almost a year.
After listening to my body and realising I needed time to get better, when I finally felt ready again, I needed something to get me back and I looked up personal trainers. I didn't just want any personal trainer - I wanted someone who was more than that - then I found Tim. He has helped me massively in terms of making me feel motivated, determined and to believe I can do it. I had personal trainers before but I can honestly say this is the only time I've seen results. When you start to see little changes that's what keeps you going to do more, no I look and feel amazing.
Don't ever think you can't…YOU CAN. I was leg pressing 120kg the week before finding out I had a tumour in my bowel. You can do anything you put your mind to. In 24 weeks I went from 23% and I am now 13% body fat. I feel healthy and my body looks fantastic'
It's the best money I have ever spent and the best decision I have ever made. Not only to get me back to training again and to be fit but also healthy, starting from the inside."
Personal Training Client, Personal Assistant/Secretary, Brentwood, Essex, April, 2016
"Tim is a tremendously positive, encouraging and supportive Personal Trainer. He has enabled me to attain fitness goals and to succeed in impressive weightloss and body reshaping. Continuation of his one to one Training Programme has ensured that this is maintained and improved!
Tim's knowledge of Nutrition and Progressive Exercise Plans are outstandingly impressive and effective; as is his treatment of Postural Problems and Injuries. He has successfully trained me throughout a painful back injury, using carefully designed appropriate programmes, that have helped me achieve full recovery.
I wouldn't hesitate to highly recommend Tim to any prospective Clients, whether their aim is weightloss, body building, recovery from injury or improvement of postural problems. Tim's knowledge is invaluable to beginners and to those seeking Advanced Training Techniques. His personality and enthusiasm are both inspirational and motivating to all of his clients!
Personal Trainer, Brentwood, Essex, July, 2012
""In March 2006 I met Tim. I had never been to a gym seriously before. I had suffered bulimia for 25 years. I was destroying my body. I'd tried so many times to leave the curse of this eating disorder behind. Tim gave me the confidence and power to change my habits to choose a way of moving forward mentally and physically.
With Tim's Training and Nutrition advice my body transformed. After 20 weeks my body was so improved with Tim's help entered the drug free British Bodybuilding Championships and came 2nd in the BNBF 2006 British Championships. With Tim's help im am now one of the country top athletes and TV Presenters.
From this start and with Tim's help training and nutrition guidance I have won BNBF 2007 Central 1st, 2008 Welsh 1st and 2009 Southern 1st titles and achieved best presentation awards to. Not bad for a 46 year old mum! Oh and Tim ofcourse is my boyfriend to.
It's so nice to have had his help and support for my shows. Tim helped me to believe I could beat bulemia myself I've done just that. "
TV Presenter, Personal Trainer. Ms Britain runner up, 3 Time BNBF Figure Champion, Wickford Essex, November, 2013
"I met Tim just 4 months ago having spent the last 6 years with various trainers but just never quite managing to achieve the body I was after and I have to say it wasn't for the lack of effort. I was getting despondent but Tim completely changed all that. Within weeks my body was dramatically changing. With Tim's four 60 minute sessions a week I have now got the body I've always wanted! Tim changed my diet completely, focused my fitness regime and within 18 weeks the results were amazing; 5 inches off my waist and 5 inches of my hips and two dress sizes down, i was 27% and now i am a mere 13% body fat.
Tim combined a fantastic knowledge of nutrition with a highly personalized exercise plan that together gave me the confidence to make the changes necessary to my lifestyle that delivered the biggest results possible. I am looking forward to the next 4 months of Tim's help but can honestly say he is a pleasure to work with and expect equally impressive results.
This man really can deliver like no other."
Personal Trainer Client, Housewife, Brentwood, Essex, October, 2014