Tim Sharp, Personal Trainer - Plan your physique and make your own roadmap to success

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If you are interested in having a Fitness Expert regurgitate the same old 'isolation crunch workout' that you are used to hearing with a new spin on it, then don't bother reading my Ab philosophy. I am about to briefly explain to you a revolutionary periodised ab training program that will not only shred your abs to pieces but will also create the most physically attractive and functionally sound 'rock solid' physique you've ever imagined. I'm talking ripped abs in 12 weeks, check my gallery. My super ripped abs are achieved within 10-12 weeks!

The first myth to dispel is the idea that your abs are meant to be isolated in exercise. Many of us have been conditioned to believe that in order to fulfill our physical potential; we must 'pick and choose' what body parts we are going to work on. So if you are doing sit ups, V sit or lower abs bare in mind hip flexors are the predominate mover as well as abs! Hence my blood pressure cuff used for all lower ab training. Your body and abs work best as one unit placing stress on all joints and all 600 muscles including abs!

Nowhere is this Truth more evident than with regard to your core and how to work it correctly using the correct progressions to work the inner unit core and then sling systems to work the abs correctly.

Firstly with your body we must understand the importance of the postural body assessment, range of motion assessment and the 20 point movement pattern screen. Only after these assessments is an appropriate prescription of ab training done!
Firstly improving inner unit core transverse abs, pelvic floor and diaphragm strength is 100% necessary, then correct posture and muscle imbalances. This is the strong foundation for my 4 integrated sling system Ab workout. A cable workout that shreds your abs in weeks! My client Jodie Marsh has lost 5 inches of her measurements in 30 days with this program. If you are as serious as Jodie about your abs this is for you too!

Say goodbye to boring post exercise ab routines that serve to isolate only the abs and say hello to an exciting and effective full body, core circuit. Build sturdy legs, cannon-like arms and true strength while thrashing your abs! 30 days 5-7 inches gone, that's the norm for my clients!
With this training program I have lost 5 inches off my waist in 10 weeks and 28lbs of weight. I started at 13st 5lbs and now I am 11st 5lbs. Integrated abdominal sling system training is THE most incredible ab workout I have ever done in my 20 year experience. Soon I will be releasing my latest pictures to show you exactly how good my abs have become in 12 weeks.

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